In accordance to CERN testing requirements for dynamic mechanical and shock testing of high-precision superconducting magnets and LINAC components, we have developed and procure a range of high power dynamics multi-degree-of-freedom test beds. We provide four main configurations: Linear (plate-mounted), Linear (Stewart), Linear (Trichiral), and Rotary (plate-mounted).
Linear actuation forces of up to 200kN at up to 300Hz per axis (peak forces up to 400kN with use of hydraulic accumulators for short bursts) are possible with servo-hydraulic actuation. For low speed testing with extremely high stiffness, we provide thermal linear actuators up to 1000kN per axis, which are ideal for short travel actuation and replication of misalignment conditions. For high speed low amplitude vibrations we offer compact modular piezoelectric actuators, reaching up to 2kHz depending on the suspended mass, which can be combined in series with our standard servo-hydraulic actuators to replicate a large spectrum of mixed loading conditions.
Our Linear test beds can test various configurations of machinery and components in-the-loop, including 6 degree-of-freedom static and dynamic loads, deformations and misalignments, including tension, compression, bending and torsional loads.
Our Rotary test bed can test back-to-back recirculating power systems up to 5ΜW and incorporates optionally linear servo-hydraulic, thermal and piezoelectric actuators.